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Hengchun Clinic case study: sore throat in kids using herbal medicine (Herpangina?)

When upper respiratory infection happened among kids, one of the very typical symptoms is sore throat. Patients may suffer from fever or aversion to cold. Today, we are going to share one sore throat case in a 2 years old boy using Chinese herbal medicine.

Patient, M, 2 yrs

First consultation: 2018-5-30

Main complaint: Sore throat 1 day, especially when drinking or swallow food. Poor appetite. No ferver, no running nose.

Prescription: Mahuang 8g Lianqiao 8g Qianhu 8g Maidong 8g Xingren 8g Jiegeng 8g Gancao 8g Xuanshen 15g *1day, twice a day.

Second consultation: 2018-6-1

Main complaint: Still feel sore throat, thick white coating. PE: scatter white spots on the back and right side of throat.

Prescription: Jinyinhua 10g Lianqiao 10g Qianhu 8g Xuanshen 10g Bohe 6g Jiangcan 10g Chanyi 3g *3 days, twice a day.

Feedback on 2018-6-5: The sore throat was healed in the second day when taking the herb medicine.


This is a distant diagnosed patient via video chat. He felt sore throat for 1 day, thinking of the hot summer (In China), in the first consultation he was diagnosed as flu due to summer heat. However, after taking one day’s medicine, no improvement has been shown. In the second consultation, scatter white spots in the throat were noted. Yin Qiao San combined with Sheng Jiang San were prescribed. The boy was healed in the second day after taking the second prescription.

In pediatric patients, we normally would see the results or improvements after taking one or two times/days herbal medicine. So, for kids, we should not prescribe the same formula for 1 or two weeks. If there is no improvement at all after taking the medicine for a few days, double check with the symptoms and signs is strongly recommended.

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